Hair care method that will help you to wash them less often

For some hair types, avoiding frequent washing can have real health benefits

The best way to beat fat? Oil treatment or “training” the hair to produce less oil over time.But how is this method implemented?

Adjusting your hair washing routine can lead to a more manageable amount of oil on your scalp. Depending on the hair, frequent washing can be one of the factors that influence oily hair. It seems contradictory, because on the one hand we want clean hair, and on the other hand we want to avoid overproduction of fat, but the type of hair is very important in this process.

Well-known hairstylist Andrew Fitzsimons says you should stop washing your hair every two or three days, because this way you teach the sebaceous glands to adapt to a new routine, that is, not to produce too much oil.

Oil treatment and hair type

The effectiveness of this treatment ultimately depends on the type of hair. If you have thin hair, it will be more difficult, but for curly and thick hair, this texture does not allow the oil to appear quickly in the hair without penetrating to its follicles.

First, try washing them with dry shampoo, then run the conditioner from the scalp to the ends of the hair to complete the treatment. Trust the process by staying up to a week without washing your head and so with a little patience you will reach the end of your journey, treating your hair and avoiding excess oil, quotes Anabel.

Last but not least: Don’t be afraid to try new hairstyles, from a bun or a long ponytail even though you may have oily hair.


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