High blood pressure is a very widespread health problem.
If not treated properly, hypertension can be transformed into a rather disturbing even catastrophic problem causing diabetes, cardiovascular disease, problems with brain skills, and renal failure.
Most people suffering from high tension use medications that are associated with side effects including: insomnia, dizziness, or muscle contractions.
But you can use very simply some foods or products that you find easily at home such as garlic, lemon or Through this article of AgroWeb.org you will learn about 3 natural cures which are extremely efficient against high voltage.
The first cure with lemon juice
Ingredients: Water, a lemon
Squeeze the juice of a lemon in a glass of water and drink it every morning before consuming food.
Limons have the ability to maintain the flexibility and functions of blood vessels thus reducing tension.
The second stone with garlic
Garlic contains sulfur substances that have the ability to reduce blood pressure and remove toxins and cholesterol from the organism.
These substances stimulate the production of nitric oxide and regulate blood pressure, expanding its vessels.
You need to consume 2-4 fresh garlic cliffs in the morning before eating food or before you sleep.
Garlic should be eaten alive because cooking loses most of the necessary nutrients.
Third cure with apple vinegar and bread soda
Ingredients: Water, a tea spoon tip with baking soda, a tablespoon with apple vinegar
The apple vinegar contains many useful minerals such as potassium, magnesium and calcium.
These minerals are essential for blood circulation and decreased tension.
Mix a tablespoon with apple vinegar, a tea spoon tip with baking soda and a glass of water.
Consume twice a day for better results.