Can you use salt if you have high blood pressure

Salt is a favorite taste amplifier on most dishes we consume every day. However, most people connect too much salt with an increased risk of hypertension, commonly known as high blood pressure, and it is important to understand the connection between both.

First, any confusion about salt versus sodium should be cleared. The salt on the average table consists of two minerals: sodium and chloride. Each teaspoon of salt contains 2,360 milligrams of sodium.

“ Sodium intake is one of the few risk factors for hypertension that we can control, while age, gender, race, and genetics are considered risk factors that cannot be changed. It is extremely important to be aware of the things we can control, which can have a major impact on our health”, cardiologist Ricardo de la Villa Pagan said.

According to the World Health Organization, about 1.28 billion adults in the world have hypertension. The high blood pressure rate is alarming as the disease increases the risk of major causes of death – stroke and heart disease, transmits

Before throwing salt, know that high blood pressure is not a recipe for a tasteless life.

“ Many individuals who come to me in my private practice think they should completely avoid salt, which is far from the truth. Restriction is important, but complete elimination is unnecessary and potentially harmful”, cardiac dietitian Michelle Routhenstein said.

With or without high blood pressure, your body cannot function normally without salt, as it contains sodium. Sodium is a mineral and electrolyte responsible for your body’s ability to balance fluids and maintain healthy muscle and nerve function.

The key to eating high blood pressure salt is to carefully monitor your intake to reduce it and eventually improve heart function.

“ Numerous studies have shown that avoiding excessive salt intake helps reduce blood pressure and leads to a healthier diet in general, which helps lose weight, which both reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease. Reducing salt intake can help reduce the risk of stroke and death from a ” cardiovascular event, primary care doctor Gerald Orlando said.

Taste of a diet plan with little salt can improve the quality of your life, lower blood pressure, and keep your heart healthy. Experts recommend that people with hypertension consume no more than 2,300 milligrams of sodium per day and 1,500 milligrams are ideal.

“This may sound like a lot, but only a teaspoon of salt contains 2300 milligrams of sodium. Worldwide, average daily sodium intake varies from 3,500 to 5,500 milligrams”, Wiles said.

Here are some tips to reduce salt intake for better blood pressure.

1. Focus on potassium-rich, magnesium and calcium foods

Focus more on the foods you can add instead of those you need to remove.

“ Try to focus on adding more potassium to your meal to combat sodium effects. This may include adding avocado to a salmon itemwich or part of the black bean salad with a pice” meal, Routhenstein said.

Also consider foods that are not only rich in potassium, but also with other essential nutrients such as magnesium and calcium, in yogurt, leafy greens, white beans and sardines.

2. Discover where there is salt

Surprisingly, some controversial foods containing high sodium levels, including salad sauce, may not be too salty.

“Many people think salt comes mainly from the salty amount, but it can be easily accumulated in foods that do not feel salted, as for example mixing the instant pudding packaged, bread soda and soy sauce with a little sodium”, Routhenstein said.

3. Embrace herbs and spices

“ Search recipes that leave out the salt and allow you to enjoy otherwise. Vegetables can be delicious with garlic, fennel, rosemary, oregano and thyme. Red species, basil and chickpeas go well with cow meat. In addition, try fennel, barber, parsley, basil, oregano or lemon combined with meat. Endless combinations of herbs and spices highlight the taste of your favorite food without added salt”, Wiles said.

4. Prepare your favorite home cooking

Copied recipes are a great way to enjoy your favorite restaurant dishes while reducing the amount of salt in your food.

“This gives you more control over the amount of salt used in cooking. You may find that you can reduce the amount of salt in many recipes halfway or more ”, Wiles said.

5. Adjust salt intake

“ Try to distribute your sodium intake throughout the day instead of consuming it all immediately. For example, if you have three meals and a snack, try to target 400 milligrams of sodium at each meal and 300 milligrams for rosticer”, Routhenstein said.